Monthly Archives: December 2012

(Not a) Rant About Cellphones


I’m going to try really hard not to make this a rant, but this is something that I’ve been noticing with my friends, in particular.

It’s time to get real people-Yep! I’m talking about texting…more specifically, texting while having a face-to-face conversation with someone else.

This has always been one of my biggest pet peeves because personally, I love having conversations.  I love hearing emotion, laugher, and mistakes in people’s words, and their emotion in their face.  It makes me feel connected to them in a way that texting could never do for me.  So I always wonder why people are stuck staring at their screens when they could be experiencing the people with them at the moment.

I’ve always noticed this, even when my friends and I just started to get phones when we were younger, but it was really brought to my attention this Thanksgiving break.  I was reunited with a group of my friends from high school, and at one point, I realized that they were all on their phones.  Every. Single. One.  It just doesn’t make sense.  We had been excited to see each other for months, and then when the time came, everyone was absorbed in other people who were a hundred miles away.

Another reason this bothers me is that although I know it is not always their intention, I take offense it.  I’ve had countless experiences where I’m trying to have a serious or intimate conversation with someone who kept looking down at their phone.  If you make time for me in your day/life, don’t waste it by being absorbed in a tiny, metal box.