21 Reasons Age 21 is the Best (and worst) Year of Your Life


Welcome to paradise—sort of.  You’re at a pivotal time where tough decisions, sleepless nights, and relationships can seem like the end of the world.  But for many, 21 can be the best year of your life if you let it.  Here’s why:

1. You’re parents see you as an adult (kind of)–You might have noticed this once you moved out of their house.  This will only be more obvious as the years go on.  The important thing is that if they treat you like an adult, act like one.  Just remember that even though you’re not a kid anymore, you’re still their kid.

2. True Friends become clearer–You can’t be friends with everyone.  Nor should you want to be.  Quality is always better than quantity when it comes to friendships.

3. You don’t have to hang out with people you don’t want to–You really don’t.  I don’t care what your excuse is.  You always have the choice of who to surround yourself with.

4. It seems like everyone is getting engaged, married, and/or pregnant–You’re innocently scrolling through Facebook, and what do you see? BAM! So-and-So is pregnant or engaged.  And they’re younger than you? Didn’t you used to tease them on the bus? WHAT’S HAPPENING?  Calm down.  Although it might seem like everyone our age is partaking in a big life event, they’re just a small percentage.  Take a deep breath.  You’re not behind.  People are going to do what they want.  And you should do the same.

5. Wedding Season!–One advantage of your peers getting hitched is the celebration…And who doesn’t like weddings?  Free food, free drinks, and passing out under the head table because you’re single and you can.

6. Mature relationships–It’s time to get over the immature relationships.  Sending a timid text when you’re 21 is the same as slipping a note into someone’s locker when you’re 10.  Grow up.  Talk to each other.

7. Being in Love–I remember learning about a poem in English class explaining love as “being in a cage you don’t want to escape.”  Whether you believe any of that or not, it’s something we should all experience at least once in our lives.  Fall in love. Get hurt. Repeat…because one day, the cycle will stop after the falling in love part.

8. You’re Young and Wild and Free–This is your time to shine.  Everyone deserves to let off some steam and be a little crazy…Just don’t let that take over your goals.

9. You’re probably in college–While not everyone chooses a four-year university, chances are, many of you have.  Whatever level of education you’ve received, be thankful.  Not everyone in this world is as lucky as you are.

10.  You have a more focused career plan than freshman year (maybe)–This can be a tricky one since many of us come to college “starry-eyed” and delusional about the real world.  Sometimes we realize that the things we once wanted to do aren’t a priority or realistic anymore—and that’s okay.  You’re job right now is to figure out what you’re good at and enjoy doing.  Maybe you have an idea of what you’re going to do after graduation…and maybe you don’t.  The important thing is to do what’s going to make you happy.

11.  Maybe you’ve traveled–Now that you’re older you’ve probably been a few places.  Whether it’s around your region, country, or the world, it’s important.  Life is about learning, and the best way to learn is through experience.  Embrace different cultures, try new foods, and do things outside your comfort zone.  More often than not, you won’t miss the extra cash in your pocket if it means you explored somewhere new.

12.  You’re broke–Let’s face it, unless you’re dad owns Apple, you probably don’t have a whole lot of money to shuffle around.  Student loans, rent, books, travel, and bar tabs can really drain a person.  Just remember it will all be worth it someday…I hope.

13.  You can drink (legally)–Congratulations.  You’ve overcome underage drinking.

14.  Hello casinos–If you’re into that sort of thing, go for it.  Just make sure to watch Rain Man before hitting the blackjack tables.

15.  The quarter-life crisis–Assuming you’re lucky enough to live a full, healthy life, you’re a quarter of the way through it.  Let that soak in.  How you choose to let it affect you will determine the kind of person you will be.

16.  Middle school seems like a long time ago– There’s a good chance that only about 1% of the population actually enjoyed middle school.  The good news is that it’s been so long ago that we can remember the happy memories and let the humiliating ones fade away.

17.  1992 was in a different century–Bill Clinton was elected president that year.   The Internet was just becoming a thing.  CD’s just surpassed cassette tapes in sales.

18.  You were 16 five years ago–In a way, this one seems to be the most shocking.  I’ve been driving a car for five years?  The real kicker is that I felt so old at that age.   I can only assume that in five more years I’ll look back at 21 and laugh at myself like I’m laughing now.

19.  Optimism is still alive–No matter if you generally see the glass half empty or full, you can still be optimistic.  So much of your story is yet to be written.

20.  Slowly realizing who you are–At holiday events growing up, my relatives used to tell me how much I’d grown since last seeing them.  I could never notice until they told me or when I didn’t fit into my shoes anymore.   This same idea still applies.  We don’t notice our personal growth unless we’re told or realize we no longer fit into a certain mold any more.  No one wakes up a new person.  It’s a gradual process.

21.  You know what you’re doing with your life….Just Kidding!–I’m convinced that no one really has it all together, and those who do are either lying to themselves or not aiming high enough.  I’ve heard a lot of people in 40s and 50s still don’t know what their doing and that’s okay.  You can’t plan for everything.  Enjoy life as it comes and every year will be the best year of your life.

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