Tag Archives: Phrases

15 Phrases Every Girl Should Hear


Life is a struggle.  That’s why you have to surround yourself with the right people.  These are phrases that you should regularly hear, tell others, and tell yourself. 


1.  “You’re smart”—Regardless of your GPA or how people treat you, you’re smart.  Everyone has her own way of proving it.  Never let others make you feel dumb.

2.  “You’re pretty”—Everyone likes to hear that they’re pretty.  This doesn’t mean it’s the only thing we value.  It just makes you feel good. 

3.  “That looks great on you”—It’s the confidence boost you need.  Instead of complimenting the clothes, it compliments you in those clothes.

4.  “Thank you”—Girls need to feel like we’re appreciated.  If our actions and feelings go unnoticed, we don’t feel valued.  Every relationship should be based on communication and mutual respect.  A simple “thank you” on both ends is always a good thing. 

5.  “You’re a good friend/girlfriend/family member”—Sometimes you need a little reassurance.  Everyone makes mistakes in their relationships.  It’s easy to beat yourself up about it.  It’s important to be reminded that you’re good.  Its also important to be reminded when you’re not.  

6.  “I believe in you”—At times, the world may seem to be against you.  It’s good to be reminded that there is hope.  Surround yourself with people who believe that you can succeed.  Most importantly, that you believe in yourself.

7.  “I’m proud of you”—People in your life expect things from you.  As long as these expectations are rational, you owe it to them to follow through.  You owe it to yourself as well.  The gratification you feel when these actions are accomplished makes it all worth it.

8.  “You’re beautiful”—This phrase not only has the ability to compliment you’re physical looks, but what is within you as well.  It admires your personality, intelligence, and aspirations.  To be beautiful is to have depth. 

9.  “Screw them”—No matter who you are, there will always be people who don’t want you to succeed.  These are usually the people who are intimidated or scared of you.  Don’t listen to them.  Never stoop down to their level.  Because screw them.

10.  “It’s going to be okay”—Life doesn’t have a pause button.   Sometimes it can seem like you’re whole world is out of control.  We worry about so much that isn’t worth worrying about.  You need to hear that things are going to be fine. 

11.  “No”—Girls can be irrational.  We can be crazy and get crazy ideas into our heads.  It’s not a female condition, but a human one.  We need a voice to tell us “no” when we’re about to do something stupid.  It can be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s good for you. 

12.  “You deserve it”—Why is it so easy for us to be hard on ourselves?  It’s good to be humble, but don’t underestimate your accomplishments.  You deserve this life.  You deserve to be happy. 

13.  “I love you”—Loving someone can seem so complicated.  The truth is, it’s the easiest thing you can ever do.  Love is the foundation of family, friendship, and romance.  Love happens without telling you.  Hearing that you are loved is a fulfilling sound. 

14.  “You’re amazing just the way you are”—Bruno Mars said it first, ladies.  Sometimes it seems the grass is always greener on the other side.  The problem is that we’re so busy comparing ourselves to others that we forget to enjoy ourselves.  We forget that we all offer something beautiful to the world.  We’re all unique.  The sooner you realize how truly awesome you are, the happier you’ll be. 

15.  “I support you”—There are times we feel alone in our decisions.  It’s so easy to second-guess ourselves.  Having someone there to tell you they are on board with you can make all the difference.  Most importantly, you must always support yourself.  There could be a time when you don’t have someone behind you.  You can’t always wait for other people to reassure you.  You should be the strongest person in your own life.