Tag Archives: texting

The 14 Rudest Things to do in 2014


With 2014 just around the corner, it’s time to re-evaluate our lives in order to be the best we can be.  Most likely, we’re all guilty of doing some of these.  Our goal is to make sure we don’t carry these annoying habits into the new year.  It’s time to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves, people!

1.  Overusing the cellphone at restaurants—Whether it’s a date or just an outing with friends, someone took time out of their day to spend it with you.  If you use that time to text other people on your cell phone, then go hang out with them.  Not to mention, you’re probably pissing your server off too.  We all deserve to be paid attention to.

2.  Texting and driving—It’s been proven that texting while driving is more dangerous than drunk driving.  Not only are you putting yourself in danger, but also everyone else on the road

3.  Ignoring Facebook messages—I can see that you viewed it at 2:53 today.  It’s now 4:00. Let’s get real.

4.  Avoiding face-to-face conversation—Ironically, our technology is making us anti-social.  Most people would rather text than call and would rather call than meet up to chat.  For being the “social media generation” we lack the ability to communicate on the most basic level.

5.  Ignoring me Monday morning—we got drunk together on Saturday and became best friends and now it’s like we never met.

6.  Leaving unnecessary voicemails—You just wasted a minute of my life that I will never get back.

7.  Adding Strangers—It’s called a “friends” list, not a “random strangers” list.  Stop freaking everybody out.

8.  Sending pointless mass snapchats—If there’s anything more annoying than snapchats of your lunch, it’s getting a mass snapchat of your lunch.  It’s not only annoying, but also super impersonal.  Stop it.

9.  Make fun of someone for reading a book—Stop laughing.  I suggest you put down your iPhone and pick up a book too, ya filthy animal.

10.  Inviting me to play games on Facebook—Are you really that desperate to get to the next level?

11.  Tweeting your conversation- Stop clogging everyone’s Twitter feed with your stupid back-and-forth conversations.  Text each other.  Nobody cares.

12.  Using social media as your diary—Step one: drive to store, step two: purchase notebook, step three: write about feelings.  The vague, passive-aggressive bitching needs hide where no one will ever find it.

13.  Excessive selfies—A couple funny or cute ones are okay, but if you post them every week, you have a problem.  We need to realize that we’re creating a generation of self-centered attention seekers, and “liking” their post only promotes that mindset.

14.  Not holding the door open for someone—This should be a no-brainer.  And if someone holds it open for you, say thank you.  Kindness will never go out of style.